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on Nov 5th 2002, 00:53:37, sherlock holmes wrote the following about


ScotlandYard in London arrested nine people in a series of raids this weekend, thwarting an apparent attempt to kidnap VictoriaBeckham, the wife of British soccer star DavidBeckham.

With the help of a fake criminal »resume«, a »News of the World« reporter infiltrated a gang of Romanian and KosovoAlbanian art thieves about three weeks ago.

The gang soon set their sights higher than jewels and old books. Instead, they hatched a plan to ambush 28-year-old Victoria Beckham as she drove from her home and sedate her and anyone else in the car with a chloroform spray.

»News of the World« Deputy Editor Andy Coulson says: »After several weeks of investigation we discovered a plot to kidnap VictoriaBeckham and her two sons. Posing as members of the gang, we brought the kidnap attempt to a head working closely with ScotlandYard (London police).«

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