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on Jan 14th 2007, 20:46:58, McBird wrote the following about


Once, when I was a child my grandmother asked me to visit her. This was an unusual request, because she never seemed to pay much attention to us children. Therefore I felt quite nervous when I entered her house. I found her holding a thin brown parcel in her hands. “I’ll give that to youshe said, “it is one of my most precious possessions! Take care!” I saw a faint smile on her face when I murmured: “Thanks”.

The parcel contained a shabby book which told the story of an old enchanted garden. Only two children found the hidden way in, enjoyed its beauty and unveiled its secrets. For me it was the most wonderful book of the world.

Meanwhile the book has got a special place on our bookshelf. And in a few years I’ll ask my little grandniece to visit me. Then I’ll wait for her holding a thin brown parcel in my hands.

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