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on Feb 26th 2001, 23:33:23, ETree wrote the following about


'Who' is the relative and interrogative pronoun used to refer to a person or persons.

Eta ~ is the imaginary traveller who visited Erewhon.

Who ate the fruit of the boor-geresy for breakfast? Eta ~ did.


Who is also an anagram of how.


And then there was the television show, Dr. Who.

Who played Dr. Who?

William Hartnell was the first Doctor. It was Patrick Troughton who played the second. The third Dr. Who was Jon Pertwee. Tom Baker was the fourth actor who portrayed Dr. Who. The fifth and the sixth Doctors were Peter Davison and Colin Baker. The last one to play Dr. Who in the British tv series was Sylvester McCoy. I don't remember who played Dr. Who in the movies.

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