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on Jan 25th 2003, 00:52:24, JJJ wrote the following about


HEY, bedmate, best girl, concubine, courtesan, doxy, dream girl, fancy woman, girlfriend, inamorata, kept woman, ladylove, main squeeze, moll, old lady, other woman, paramour, prostitute, roommate, shack, shack job, sugar, sweetheart, sweetie babe, baby doll, bird, blonde, bobby-soxer, boytoy, broad, butterfly, canary, chick, coed, cupcake, cutie, dame, damsel, daughter, deb, debutante, doll, female, filly, gal, jail bait, lady, lassie, mademoiselle, maid, maiden, minx, miss, missy, missy, mouse, numphet, nymph, piece, queen, schoolgirl, she, sis, skirt, spring chicken, teenybopper, tomato, tomboy, virgin, wench, witch, woman.amazon, babe, beauty, broad, cheesecake, chichi, cupcake, cutie, dame, doll, dowager, dutchess, femme, filly, fox, frail, gal, gentlewoman, girl, hussy, kid, lady, madam, mama, matron, old bat, old lady, old woman, petticoat, piece, pinup, seductress, she, she-stuff, shrew, siren, sis, skirt, temptress, ten, tomato, weaker sex, wench, wrenadult, babe, bag, baroness, bitch, broad, butterfly, contessa, countess, dame, doll, duchess, empress, female, gal, gentlewoman, girl, little woman, mama, mare, matron, missus, mistress, noblewoman, old bag, old lady, old woman, petticoat, princess, queen, queen bee, rib, squaw, sultana.

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