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on Dec 14th 2006, 18:28:32, lissi wrote the following about


Balance beam (f), bar (m), assymetric bar (f), horizontal bar (m), vaulting horse (f), floors (f), rings (m)

f or m in the bracket say for which gendeer had to dexerciso on which apparati in the disciplin where als be found in olympic games gymnastics

(f) female
(m) male

In school some pupils and students had to made apparatuswork. In elemantary schools is no separation betwenn boys and girls but ion all uother schoolgrades which are upper the the last elementary grade and there boys and male students had rahter had to exercise on bar, horicontal bar, rings ,pommel horse and females rahter on balance beam, assymmetrical bars, vaulting horse and floor.

   user rating: +2
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