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on Apr 6th 2001, 16:51:20, nOvJuL wrote the following about


What's so great about the cat's meow?
What's the reason for singing, anyhow?

What is the distance from now til then?
And who can measure the heart of a friend?

**I'll find the answers (I'm seeking, til then)
**but who knows where, or when?

Philosphers argue, if no one's around,
if nothing has ears, does a brook make a sound?

If we ruin our planet, will aliens care?
Can anyone listen? Is anyone there?

**I question my questions; we learn, in the end
**but who knows where, or when?

Can anyone mark the dimensions of fear?
Will there always be Time? And what color is prayer?

How can we fathom the glow of the sun?
And is there enough for everyone?

**When I find the answers, I'll see you again.
**but who knows where, or when?

Is it true about snowflakes? They're never the same?
What am I missing? Any rules to this game?

Does God have a number for each grain of sand?
Can eternity rest in the palm of your hand?

**This life is a phantom; one day it will end.
**But who knows where, or when?

What's so great about the cat's meow?
What's the reason for music, anyhow?

**When I find the answers, I'll see you again.
**But who knows where, or when?

   user rating: +7
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