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on Jul 1st 2024, 09:03:27, Gerhard wrote the following about


»Who is Your favourite singer
"Well,there was a great singer,who was born in
my hometown Linz/Austria, he had a wonderful voice!
Richard Tauber,his best song was "You´re in my
heart!" Because he was Jew,he was kicked out first
of Germany,and then out of Austria. Mr.Tauber had
only ONE lung wing,and died very sick -TBC!-in London. And to say him »Farewell«,all people in
the Royal Albert Hall was singing his song!!!

A nice old lady I Know loves the »Svedish Nightingal«, Jenny Lind -I too.
Every jear is in my Linz a Music Festival, and
so one time comed Mrs.Kim Wilde -sooo wonderful,
and these sensual lips!! Wooow!

An other singer who´s born in Romania was Jew
too,Joseph Schmidt,a little man with a big voice.
He loved the Netherlands and sung in the Netherland Language: »I love the Netherland!«

But Switzerland -a lot of jewish people was
given on the frontiers to the GESTAPO -did NOT
give him Asyl -and he dies very sick.

And former I´m a fan of Taylor Swift and her
Swifties who are so couraged against Donald
Trump -and that he NOT become president again!"

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