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Texts to »Zombie«
Josef wrote on Mar 11th 2001, 17:08:44 about
Rating: 6 point(s) |
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There's nothing quite like a good zombie movie. However, don't make the mistake of thinking that all zombie films are the same!
For instance, the zombies in the »Night of the Living Dead« trilogy were simply dead bodies who came back to life for some unknown reason. They had a pack mentality, and fought each other over the entrails of their dead victims. They behaved like ornery geriatric patients, and could be dispatched with a heavy blow or shotgun blast to the head.
In the »Return of the Living Dead« series, however, the zombies were much scarier. They were created by some kind of evil green gas devised by the military, which would instantly turn any dead bodies (or parts thereof) into zombies. These zombies were fast, intelligent, and simply wanted to feast on some fresh, live brains. They were also pretty much invulnerable, unless you could stuff them into a furnace, although in the second movie they learned that the zombies could be killed with massive electrical shock. In my opinion, this sucked.
Then there are the wacky Italian low-budget zombie flicks, which tended to involve flesh-eating zombies rather than brain-eating ones. I don't know a whole lot about this category... not my area of expertise, frank-ly. Perhaps I'll write more after I complete my masters degree in zombology.
Jim wrote on Aug 29th 2001, 21:37:05 about
Rating: 8 point(s) |
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Sometimes each of us is a zombie. How many times have you made it to work without really remembering the drive?
the old pirate wrote on Mar 25th 2001, 20:02:09 about
Rating: 2 point(s) |
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Lionel, the bartender at the Caribbean resort hotel's bar, was asked by a woman tourist for a 'zombie.'
He smiled at her and said, 'Do you know how to make a zombie?'
The woman shook her head.
'First,' Lionel replied with a grin, 'Get her drunk.'
mulatto wrote on May 7th 2001, 06:45:17 about
Rating: 2 point(s) |
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On May 3 2001, Yrname wrote 'We are all zombies hypnotized by mass media marketing, our sould sucked out, leaving only empty minds and the desire to consume.'
Speak for yourself, kid.
yrname wrote on May 3rd 2001, 10:49:11 about
Rating: 3 point(s) |
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we are all zombies hypnotized by mass media marketing, our souls sucked out, leaving only empty minds and the desire to consume
Some random keywords |
Created on Apr 21st 2000, 18:38:25 by joe, contains 11 texts
Created on Nov 14th 2001, 06:24:38 by Oklahoma Cowgirl Poet, contains 7 texts
Created on Dec 29th 2004, 05:24:41 by Klaxzon, contains 4 texts
Created on Oct 8th 2000, 07:36:12 by Greyson, contains 5 texts
Created on Apr 3rd 2001, 20:10:13 by quotidian, contains 53 texts
Some random keywords in the german Blaster |
Created on Sep 5th 2001, 12:03:52 by Duckman, contains 68 texts
Created on Jan 14th 2001, 15:39:15 by beni, contains 55 texts
Created on Jan 12th 2006, 17:44:50 by ARD-Ratgeber, contains 4 texts
Created on Mar 13th 2002, 22:08:54 by Nils the Dark Elf, contains 24 texts
Created on Sep 28th 2001, 21:56:35 by aka, contains 20 texts
Created on Aug 19th 2005, 16:44:41 by Salem, contains 8 texts
Created on Aug 17th 2001, 21:46:59 by basti2@t-online.de, contains 13 texts