Amount of texts to »datagarbage« 218, and there are 186 texts (85.32%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 4868 Characters
Average Rating -0.968 points, 9 Not rated texts
First text on Sep 9th 2002, 04:40:34 wrote
Daniel Arnold about datagarbage
Latest text on May 22nd 2008, 19:40:49 wrote
lem about datagarbage
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 9)

on Dec 31st 2006, 22:58:56 wrote
huhu about datagarbage

on Feb 7th 2007, 16:23:31 wrote
biggi about datagarbage

on Mar 28th 2008, 16:03:30 wrote
Emma Example about datagarbage

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Datagarbage«

Emma Example wrote on Mar 2nd 2003, 05:38:23 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually






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上杉梨華 名前: hocchan [2003/03/02,11:37:04] No.7694 返信

<脇舐さん 岡田由希子なつかしいです。あれからもう17年が経とうとしているんですね。

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おかださん2 名前: 脇舐太郎 [2003/03/02,11:08:56] No.7693 返信


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おかださん1 名前: 脇舐太郎 [2003/03/02,11:08:24] No.7692 返信


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うさみゆかり 名前: 脇舐太郎 [2003/03/02,11:07:21] No.7691 返信


画像タイトル:何ヶ月ぶりでしょう(^^; -(83 KB)

走りたいよ~ 名前: とさ@久々スキャン [2003/03/02,10:11:47] No.7690 返信



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FREE imgboard v1.22 R6!!

elfboi wrote on Mar 3rd 2003, 21:22:48 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Statistics of the Assoziations-Blaster

local time: Mon Mar 3 21:21:50 2003

back to Assoziations-Blaster home page

Since the last 24 hours the users added 12 new texts and 1 new keywords to the english version of the Assoziations-Blaster. Overall the Blaster's Database contains at the moment 21211 texts and 2006 keywords. (=>statistics of the german database)

Top 10 keywords with

no contributions for the longest time
(According to your treshold)
instantaneously (2000/11/24 15:33)
asco-o (2000/11/27 03:17)
klaeng (2000/12/15 13:28)
indexed (2000/12/18 00:23)
numberassoziation (2001/01/02 11:23)
dfgfdasg (2001/01/13 04:31)
BigCornOar (2001/01/25 15:41)
kläng (2001/02/07 00:10)
delilia (2001/02/09 22:38)
crunchmuffin (2001/02/09 22:41)

The newest 10

ill-tempered (2003/03/02 23:54)
hobby (2003/03/02 06:39)
asian (2003/03/02 06:23)
eurozone (2003/03/02 06:17)
Google (2003/03/02 05:48)
Aleister (2003/03/02 05:39)
ressurection (2003/02/26 15:44)
Alistair (2003/02/25 18:04)
Corintian (2003/02/25 17:44)
bread (2003/02/24 23:58)

The newest 10 texts
Aleister (Mar 3rd, 20:46)

nude (Mar 3rd, 12:51)
nude (Mar 3rd, 09:33)
nude (Mar 3rd, 09:33)
nude (Mar 3rd, 09:31)
intelligence (Mar 3rd, 05:11)
ill (Mar 2nd, 23:54)
ill-tempered (Mar 2nd, 23:54)
ill (Mar 2nd, 23:53)
ill (Mar 2nd, 23:53)

The last positive user

you (Feb 27th, 18:48:36)
beauty (Feb 27th, 13:37:02)
beauty (Feb 27th, 13:36:43)
beautiful (Feb 27th, 13:36:16)
beautiful (Feb 27th, 13:36:05)
God (Feb 27th, 07:19:52)
big (Feb 27th, 07:17:58)
big (Feb 26th, 23:25:46)
God (Feb 26th, 15:50:38)
God (Feb 26th, 15:50:17)

The last negative

user ratings
free (Mar 2nd, 05:33:33)
birth (Feb 28th, 14:02:57)
girl (Feb 28th, 14:02:41)
girl (Feb 28th, 14:02:37)
big (Feb 27th, 22:56:41)
God (Feb 27th, 07:20:17)
God (Feb 27th, 07:19:56)
God (Feb 27th, 07:19:46)
God (Feb 27th, 07:19:41)
big (Feb 27th, 07:18:13)

The last ten

keywords, found by search engine users
shout (Search, 21:19:47)
datagarbage (Search, 21:18:05)
LinseyDawnMcKenzie (Search, 21:15:49)
LinseyDawnMcKenzie (Search, 21:11:21)
datagarbage (Search, 21:10:23)
LinseyDawnMcKenzie (Search, 21:09:45)
Weapon (Search, 21:05:33)
LinseyDawnMcKenzie (Search, 21:00:16)
pussy (Search, 20:55:36)
datagarbage (Search, 20:54:53)

The top 10 keywords,

which are found by searchengines in the last 7 days
(overall: 3662)
datagarbage (1808)
LinseyDawnMcKenzie (341)
RoccoSiffredi (58)
wank (51)
giantess (46)
enema (30)
Warez (29)
Weapon (29)
Sesamestreet (23)
cowboy (22)

The ten texts with the

best user rating
book (37)
wanderlust (32)
biscuit (31)
language (30)
unrequited (30)
Sun (30)
silk (30)
garlic (30)
ruin (29)
regret (29)

The keywords with

most new texts the last seven days
nude (19)
datagarbage (17)
truth (3)
men (3)
ill (3)
my (2)
yellow (2)
big (2)
Aleister (2)
sinister (2)

The 10 keywords with

the most texts
zero (289)
God (228)
love (211)
music (188)
Warez (140)
sex (130)
you (125)
the (112)
word (108)
me (102)

A project by Alvar Freude and Dragan Espenschied


elfboi wrote on May 30th 2003, 06:47:19 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Googlism for: amber

amber is our gold
amber is no more
amber is shrewd player
amber is crap
amber is on the web
amber is a mineral of organic origin
amber is mine
amber is a pain reliever wednesday mkf
amber is iso 9001 certified
amber is hot hot hot
amber is the color of your energy
amber is the colour of your energy
amber is a
amber is ready
amber is situated in a central
amber is ready a full bookmaking firm high limits and
amber is wildnwet96
amber is eighty
amber is watching you;
amber is super cute
amber is guilty
amber is een krachtig en natuurlijk volmout bier van
amber is a digitally created
amber is wide opened and ready to
amber is yellow or bright yellowish
amber is the fossilized resin of ancient trees which forms through a natural polymerization of the original organic compounds
amber is by color and degree of transparency
amber is reflected in rebma
amber is shrewd player wednesday
amber is always in my mind
amber is a very light stone made from the fossilized resin of trees
amber is beautiful
amber is the veteran of trials in both the private sector and in public service
amber is wide opened and ready to fuck
amber is a pain reliever wednesday mkf 8/28
amber is unique
amber is reassured from momma
amber is a beautiful stone that is cut and polished and used as a valuable gemstone
amber is fossilized resin of pine trees which grew in forests around 45 million years ago
amber is the color of my energy's journal
amber is certainly unique among gemstones
amber is
amber is 10 and her parents are recently divorced
amber is a form of tree resin
amber is like a time capsule made and placed in the earth by nature herself
amber is a fossil resin which comes from trees that flourished along the shores of the baltic sea as long as 60
amber is one of the organic gemstones
amber is fossilized resin that was exuded from the bark of trees millions of years ago
amber is very clear and easy to see the millipede
amber is a fossilized resin from various sorts of trees
amber is not hard to make
amber is the fossilized remains of the sap of an extinct tree
amber is found the well preserved leaves and wood of various trees and shrubs
amber is situated in a central district of istanbul
amber is ready what a shot of this nice pink pussy wide open wonderful blonde teen amateur suntanning half naked karen mc dougal
amber is a fossilized/polymerized resin from extinct trees related to modern day conifers
amber is polymerized resin from the pinus succinifera trees of a subtropical forest
amber is anything but sap
amber is unique among earthen treasures for its inherent warmth
amber is often referred to as the golden gem of the ages
amber is one of the few gems not of mineral origin
amber is the fossilized sap of extinct trees that lived in the temperate and sub
amber is the fossilized sap of trees which have been buried millions of years ago
amber is connected to the following things
amber is unique and may differ from the picture shown
amber is not distributed throughout the island
amber is the ancient resin of trees
amber is rare
amber is fossil resin extruded as sap
amber is found in only a few places on earth
amber is a fossilised resin of ancient trees which forms through a natural polymerisation of the original organic compounds
amber is the collective name for a suite of programs that allow users to carry out molecular dynamics
amber is another organic gemstone
amber is a petrified tar of trees which grew over twenty
amber is the fossilized resin produced by ancient plants that existed some 40
amber is often sold heated
amber is a translucent to opaque yellow
amber is the collective name for a suite of programs that allow users to carry out molecular dynamics simulations
amber is fossil resin
amber is a an organic gem made from fossilized tree sap
amber is not a mineral
amber is the most beautiful ancient stone
amber is a form of tree resin exuded as a protective mechanism
amber is developed in an active collaboration of david case at the scripps research institute
amber is said to be able to draw out negative energy and transform it into positive energy for healing and well being
amber is a semi
amber is not a crystal
amber is a very stromg insulator
amber is not your average haunted house game
amber is cut and shaped with saws
amber is warm to the touch
amber is een krachtig en natuurlijk volmout bier van hoge gisting
amber is a digitally created singer that lives as an ado within the computer
amber is the fossilized resin produced by ancient plants that existed 40
amber is our gold
amber is not all black and white
amber is no more
amber is shrewd player
amber is quality
amber is on the web
amber is reassured from momma
amber is iso 9001 certified
amber is guilty
amber is a
amber is ready over 20 vegas style games and
amber is een krachtig en natuurlijk volmout bier van
amber is situated in a central
amber is the new restaurant/bar from the team who
amber is wide opened and ready to fuck a full bookmaking firm
amber is yellow or bright yellowish
amber is the fossilized resin of ancient trees which forms through a natural polymerization of the original organic compounds
amber is the fossilized resin from ancient forests
amber is not all black and white"
amber is reflected in rebma
amber is shrewd player wednesday
amber is provided as a free public service by bighits
amber is found
amber is a petrified tar of trees which grew over twenty
amber is listed in who's who in america as well as who's who in american law
amber is beautiful
amber is a very light stone made from the fossilized resin of trees
amber is unique
amber is fossilized resin of pine trees which grew in forests around 45 million years ago
amber is hot hot hot
amber is a beautiful stone that is cut and polished and used as a valuable gemstone
amber is always in my mind
amber is a fossil resin which comes from trees that flourished along the shores of the baltic sea as long as 60
amber is a form of tree resin
amber is unique among
amber is like a time capsule made and placed in the earth by nature herself
amber is a fossilized resin from various sorts of trees
amber is one of the most fascinating types of fossils to exist
amber is the collective name for a suite of programs that allow users to carry out molecular dynamics simulations
amber is ready over 20 vegas style games and a world class sportsbook
amber is a beautiful attractive natural organic gem
amber is one of the few gems not of mineral origin
amber is fossilized resin that was exuded from the bark of trees millions of years ago
amber is from the dominican republic and is generally very clear in nature
amber is from the dominican republic and is very clear in nature
amber is the fossilized sap of extinct trees that lived in the temperate and sub
amber is een krachtig en natuurlijk volmout bier van hoge gisting
amber is the new baby of those that brought us the alphabet bar
amber is situated in a central district of istanbul
amber is often referred to as the golden gem of the ages
amber is 10 and her parents are recently divorced
amber is unique and may differ from the picture shown
amber is the new restaurant/bar from the team who created alphabet
amber is not your average haunted house game
amber is anything but sap
amber is unique among earthen treasures for its inherent warmth
amber is the fossilized remains of the sap of an extinct tree
amber is the fossilized resin produced by ancient plants that existed 40
amber is our gold amber is no more amber is shrewd player amber is ready asian pussy extreme close amber is on the web amber is the color of your energy amber
amber is the fossilized sap of trees which have been buried millions of years ago
amber is from the dominican republic and has bugs and insects in it
amber is found in only a few places on earth
amber is fossil resin extruded as sap
amber is certainly unique among gemstones
amber is the fossilized resin produced by ancient plants that existed some 40
amber is another organic gemstone
amber is a fossilised resin of ancient trees which forms through a natural polymerisation of the original organic compounds
amber is a fossilized/polymerized resin from extinct trees related to modern day conifers
amber is a form of tree resin exuded as a protective mechanism against disease and insect infestation that has hardened and been preserved in the earth's crust
amber is the popular name for fossilized resin of botanical origin
amber is rare
amber is not distributed throughout the island
amber is the ancient resin of trees
amber is warm to the touch
amber is polymerized resin from the pinus succinifera trees of a subtropical forest
amber is a an organic gem made from fossilized tree sap
amber is my sanctuary; it's from my fantasy novel that's a work
amber is said to be able to draw out negative energy and transform it into positive energy for healing and well being
amber is wide opened and ready to fuck babes sparkly hot body
amber is not a mineral
amber is prized as gem material
amber is cut and shaped with saws
amber is a semi
amber is a very stromg insulator
amber is made out of small pieces of amber that have been melted together under high pressure
amber is defined as a fossile resin
amber is referred to as a fossil gem
amber is developed in an active collaboration of david case at the scripps research institute
amber is not so much »newly discovered« as it is rediscovered
amber is fossil resin
amber is the color of
amber is one of nature's most fascinating products
amber is still such a valuable product that manufacturers of false pieces are common
amber is interesting to scientists as a medium that traps insects
amber is derived from solidified resins originally secreted by certain species of tropical tree
amber is ancient tree resin that flowed out of a combination of coniferous trees in what today is geographically called the baltic regions
amber is the organic fossil of tree sap which flowed from pine trees that flourished 50 to 60 million years ago
amber is found in a variety of places worldwide
amber is mainly produced in guangxi and yunnan provinces
amber is our gold
amber is not all black and white
amber is no more
amber is shrewd player
amber is on the web
amber is iso 9001 certified
amber is a
amber is ready over 20 vegas style games and
amber is een krachtig en natuurlijk volmout bier van
amber is situated in a central
amber is the new restaurant/bar from the team who
amber is wide opened and ready to fuck a full bookmaking firm
amber is yellow or bright yellowish
amber is the fossilized resin of ancient trees which forms through a natural polymerization of the original organic compounds
amber is the fossilized resin from ancient forests
amber is not all black and white"
amber is reflected in rebma
amber is shrewd player wednesday
amber is provided as a free public service by bighits
amber is found
amber is quality
amber is a petrified tar of trees which grew over twenty
amber is listed in who's who in america as well as who's who in american law
amber is beautiful
amber is reassured from momma
amber is a very light stone made from the fossilized resin of trees
amber is unique
amber is fossilized resin of pine trees which grew in forests around 45 million years ago
amber is hot hot hot
amber is a beautiful stone that is cut and polished and used as a valuable gemstone
amber is always in my mind
amber is guilty
amber is a fossil resin which comes from trees that flourished along the shores of the baltic sea as long as 60
amber is a form of tree resin
amber is unique among
amber is like a time capsule made and placed in the earth by nature herself
amber is a fossilized resin from various sorts of trees
amber is one of the most fascinating types of fossils to exist
amber is the collective name for a suite of programs that allow users to carry out molecular dynamics simulations
amber is ready over 20 vegas style games and a world class sportsbook
amber is a beautiful attractive natural organic gem
amber is one of the few gems not of mineral origin
amber is fossilized resin that was exuded from the bark of trees millions of years ago
amber is from the dominican republic and is generally very clear in nature
amber is from the dominican republic and is very clear in nature
amber is the fossilized sap of extinct trees that lived in the temperate and sub
amber is een krachtig en natuurlijk volmout bier van hoge gisting
amber is the new baby of those that brought us the alphabet bar
amber is situated in a central district of istanbul
amber is often referred to as the golden gem of the ages
amber is 10 and her parents are recently divorced
amber is unique and may differ from the picture shown
amber is the new restaurant/bar from the team who created alphabet
amber is not your average haunted house game
amber is anything but sap
amber is unique among earthen treasures for its inherent warmth
amber is the fossilized remains of the sap of an extinct tree
amber is the fossilized resin produced by ancient plants that existed 40
amber is our gold amber is no more amber is shrewd player amber is ready asian pussy extreme close amber is on the web amber is the color of your energy amber
amber is the fossilized sap of trees which have been buried millions of years ago
amber is from the dominican republic and has bugs and insects in it
amber is found in only a few places on earth
amber is fossil resin extruded as sap
amber is certainly unique among gemstones
amber is the fossilized resin produced by ancient plants that existed some 40
amber is another organic gemstone
amber is a fossilised resin of ancient trees which forms through a natural polymerisation of the original organic compounds
amber is a fossilized/polymerized resin from extinct trees related to modern day conifers
amber is a form of tree resin exuded as a protective mechanism against disease and insect infestation that has hardened and been preserved in the earth's crust
amber is the popular name for fossilized resin of botanical origin
amber is rare
amber is not distributed throughout the island
amber is the ancient resin of trees
amber is a doll
amber is warm to the touch
amber is polymerized resin from the pinus succinifera trees of a subtropical forest
amber is a an organic gem made from fossilized tree sap
amber is my sanctuary; it's from my fantasy novel that's a work
amber is said to be able to draw out negative energy and transform it into positive energy for healing and well being
amber is wide opened and ready to fuck babes sparkly hot body
amber is not a mineral
amber is prized as gem material
amber is cut and shaped with saws
amber is a semi
amber is combustible and shows lumineszens under uv
amber is a very stromg insulator
amber is made out of small pieces of amber that have been melted together under high pressure
amber is defined as a fossile resin
amber is referred to as a fossil gem
amber is developed in an active collaboration of david case at the scripps research institute
amber is not so much »newly discovered« as it is rediscovered
amber is fossil resin
amber is the color of
amber is one of nature's most fascinating products
amber is still such a valuable product that manufacturers of false pieces are common
amber is interesting to scientists as a medium that traps insects
amber is derived from solidified resins originally secreted by certain species of tropical tree
amber is ancient tree resin that flowed out of a combination of coniferous trees in what today is geographically called the baltic regions
amber is our gold
amber is your parent?
amber is shrewd player
amber is not all black and white
amber is no more
amber is on the web
amber is?
amber is reassured from momma
amber is iso 9001 certified
amber is hot hot hot
amber is crap
amber is a
amber is an ooak tyler wentworth something sleek red hair re
amber is front page news
amber is de liefste
amber is situated in a central
amber is een krachtig en natuurlijk volmout bier van
amber is ready love those kinky boots
amber is the color of your energy
amber is guilty
amber is fossil resin produced by pine trees which grew in northern europe about 50 million years ago
amber is a petrified tar of trees which grew over twenty
amber is the fossilized resin of ancient trees which forms through a natural polymerization of the original organic compounds
amber is the fossilized resin from ancient forests
amber is reflected in rebma
amber is shrewd player wednesday
amber is not all black and white"
amber is found
amber is provided as a free public service by bighits
amber is listed in who's who in america as well as who's who in american law
amber is a very light stone made from the fossilized resin of trees
amber is unique
amber is a beautiful stone that is cut and polished and used as a valuable gemstone
amber is scheduled to be attending and the screening is free
amber is always in my mind
amber is a fossil resin which comes from trees that flourished along the shores of the baltic sea as long as 60
amber is a form of tree resin
amber is an ancient gemstone formed 40
amber is unique among
amber is fossilized resin of pine trees which grew in forests around 45 million years ago
amber is like a time capsule made and placed in the earth by nature herself
amber is a beautiful attractive natural organic gem
amber is our gold amber is no more amber is shrewd player amber is ready asian pussy extreme close amber is on the web amber is the color of your energy amber
amber is our gold amber is no more amber is shrewd player amber is crap amber is on the web amber is a mineral of organic origin amber is mine amber is a pain
amber is beautiful
amber is fossilized resin that was exuded from the bark of trees millions of years ago
amber is a fossilized resin from various sorts of trees
amber is a happening bar
amber is one of the most fascinating types of fossils to exist
amber is from the dominican republic and is generally very clear in nature
amber is from the dominican republic and is very clear in nature
amber is found the well preserved leaves and wood of various trees and shrubs
amber is often referred to as the golden gem of the ages
amber is situated in a central district of istanbul
amber is anything but sap
amber is unique among earthen treasures for its inherent warmth
amber is the fossilized sap of extinct trees that lived in the temperate and sub
amber is the fossilized sap of trees which have been buried millions of years ago
amber is your parent?"
amber is unique and may differ from the picture shown
amber is one of the few gems not of mineral origin
amber is the fossilized resin produced by ancient plants that existed 40
amber is a fossilized/polymerized resin from extinct trees related to modern day conifers
amber is een krachtig en natuurlijk volmout bier van hoge gisting
amber is found in only a few places on earth
amber is from the dominican republic and has bugs and insects in it
amber is fossil resin extruded as sap
amber is certainly unique among gemstones
amber is 10 and her parents are recently divorced
amber is the fossilized resin produced by ancient plants that existed some 40
amber is the fossilized remains of the sap of an extinct tree
amber is the collective name for a suite of programs that allow users to carry out molecular dynamics simulations
amber is another organic gemstone
amber is a form of tree resin exuded as a protective mechanism against disease and insect infestation that has hardened and been preserved in the earth's crust
amber is the popular name for fossilized resin of botanical origin
amber is rare
amber is mainly produced in guangxi and yunnan provinces
amber is the ancient resin of trees
amber is not distributed throughout the island
amber is waiting
amber is polymerized resin from the pinus succinifera trees of a subtropical forest
amber is warm to the touch
amber is a an organic gem made from fossilized tree sap
amber is not so much »newly discovered« as it is rediscovered
amber is not a mineral
amber is combustible and shows lumineszens under uv
amber is developed in an active collaboration of david case at the scripps research institute
amber is said to be able to draw out negative energy and transform it into positive energy for healing and well being
amber is fossil resin
amber is so
amber is one of nature's most fascinating products
amber is not a
amber is found in a variety of places worldwide

Lysander Layon wrote on Jan 23rd 2004, 21:58:49 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Sex & the Devil:

Satan Really Wants You

By Rick Hall

»Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his «divine spiritual and intellectual developmenthas become the most vicious animal of all!« – Anton Szandor LaVey

In the year Anton LaVey decided to turn the culture upside down, heavy metal music hadn't even been invented yet. The words »Under God« had been in the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance for just three years. Hardcore pornography was still only in the form of clandestine movie reels, carefully screened in darkened basements at special »stag« gatherings, or in crumpled, furtively bartered photos. On television in April of 1966, a person couldn't even say »Hell,« unless he were preaching its existence as a threat.

Obviously, it was high time for someone to actually give 'em Hell. So this charismatic former burlesque-show organist, ex-carny animal trainer, and hypnotist found a new calling. He shaved his head according to occult tradition and publicly announced the formation of the Church of Satan. Thus was born the first aboveground order for individuals whose rational self-interest would lead them to that Dark Force in nature-the archetype the ancient Hebrews termed Satan, meaning »adversary,« »oppositeor »accuser.« A new Satanic Age had begun. In 1969, Dr. LaVey published The Satanic Bible, a witty tome crystallizing his powerful philosophy in an entertaining mix of Ragnar Redbeard (whose classic Might is Right provided much inspiration), Ayn Rand, Nietzsche, Freud, Bierce, and W.C. Fields. Equal parts humanism and misanthropy, it attracted thousands of discerning readers to the new church of realists, the »ultimate conscious alternative to herd mentality and institutionalized thoughtLater, his erotic handbook The Satanic Witch delineated the principles of seduction and manipulation for females and the educated consumers thereof.

The infamous Black House, LaVey's San Francisco mansion, had previously functioned as a bordello in the 1800s and as a speakeasy during Prohibition. Now the site of debauches, fertility rites, and other public psychodramas during regular Friday night services, it became the epicenter of an explosive new outlook. At the beginning, the rituals functioned as cathartic blasphemies against Christianity-with elements such as the nude woman-as-altar in the traditional Black Mass, and even a specially staged Topless Witches' review. Soon, though, he tired of simply mocking the feeble opposition, and LaVey's chapel hosted brand-new and positively diabolical magical workings.

Modern Satanism may have been born in the era of free love, but the Church of Satan's founder took a broader look at individual liberation, eschewing the bland compulsions he saw as oppressing many narrow followers of the sexual revolution. The new religion demanded that each person must determine what is most fulfilling to him or herself; this might be total asexuality, or, just as easily, voracious lust. A more important development by Satanic standards was the pursuit of personal fetishes. Fetishes were celebrated as the creative expression of a personal eros, and the »Black Pope« was years ahead of the masses in recognizing their influence: »The prevalence of deviant and/or fetishistic behavior,« LaVey wrote, »would stagger the imagination of the sexually naive.« In a time when millions were suddenly seeking sexual enlightenment, the CoS attracted many by its sheer audacity. Magister Peter Gilmore relates, »Satanism provided an avenue for folks who were beginning to explore their sexuality without guilt, and the Church's position of encouraging individual fetishes, which at that time was 'forbidden sex,' provided a draw. But once they came on-board and discovered that it was up to them to do the exploration-we weren't providing sexual partners for their intended explorations, and sex wasn't emphasized beyond being a natural function-then they left to join organizations that focused on sex as their primary reason for being

Fear of the Devil has been used to sell the faith racket for centuries, and usually with some salaciously erotic component thrown in. Man's carnal nature is sinful from a Judeo-Christian perspective, notwithstanding comparatively recent attempts to »modernize« theism-due in no small part to the influence of Satanic thought on the culture at large. Are the followers of the Left-Hand Path a bunch of degenerate, slavering sex fiends, ritualizing dark and messy acts in sinister underground grottoes? Well, yes and no. »Satanists tend to view sexual activity as a normal function-like eating-and don't obsess on it like so many folk whose way of life limits sex to the modes sanctioned by their belief systems,« says Gilmore. »So ritualizing of sex is generally not a part of Satanism. Since we are connoisseurs of our chosen indulgences, we prefer sex in its best settings, which, in my experience, are not likely to be found in a ritual chamber-just as we'd not 'ritualize' a gourmet meal.« However, there are other approaches. On the other end of this civilized outlook is the Reverend Steven Johnson Leyba, a Native American activist, painter, and performer. A highly visible member of the CoS, the good Reverend made a big splash in his hometown of San Francisco last year when he performed a public ritual at the birthday party of Jack Davis, a political power broker. In an action by his United Satanic Apache Front, a dominatrix friend whipped Leyba, carved a bloody pentagram into his back, pissed over him, then sodomized him with a whiskey bottle-all in full view of a crowd that included the mayor. Most of the display's socio-sexual symbolism was lost on the prissy politicos, but the scandal which erupted was news fodder for weeks after the event. Leyba relished the chaotic power the ritual unleashed.

He's outspoken about his carnal quest. »My personal sexual practices tend to be very heavily masochistic, including bondage, blood loss, urine, sodomy, excrement, fetishizing tools, weapons such as guns and knives, and especially filthy panties-preferably white or lavender lace and any daisy patternexplains Rev. Leyba. »I am partner-based, and require monogamy for full ritualistic effect. Blood ritual has been a very powerful tool in my art; I use blood in my paintings. The only time I publicly do SM rituals is [for] political performances


Are all Satanists into SM? The fashion-conscious might guess so. After all, Sigils of Baphomet and similar occult symbols have invaded popular consciousness as prominent »bad boy« badges, a convenient visual shorthand right alongside leatherman and biker imagery. But the truth is not so simplistic. »Although I do believe sexual role-playing is important to many Satanists, I don't think they limit those roles to the typical SM-stereotyped situationssays Priestess Ruth Waytz.

Gilmore agrees. »Satanists are aware of the natural balance that includes dominance/submission in sexual roles. There's no pretense of some sort of PC «sexual democracy» wherein everyone shares the same status. Church of Satan members who have not been able to throw off the sexual guilt inculcated into them during their formative years are encouraged to use this guilt as a pleasurable stimulus in their sexual activities.« Hedonism (in the sense of indulgence rather than compulsory pleasure-seeking) and the Romantic ideal are integrated in Satanic thought, much as the spirit and body are considered part of a whole-in direct contrast to the puritanism of the herd mentality. »The carnal/spiritual war which leads to this thinking is endemic in the folks we see as being Christian, whether they've embraced the Nazarene or not. Satanists are self-aware and honest about their needs,« Gilmore states flatly. When asked if the two ideas are at odds with each other, Waytz declares, »Absolutely not. Sexual hedonism and romanticism are the same thingThe materialism of Satanic philosophy dismisses any so-called spiritual life that's divorced from, or »higher thanphysical existence.

Another point that Church writings emphasize is the issue of social stratification. LaVey was an elitist and Social Darwinist who, like Redbeard and others, railed against what he saw as the myth of »equality«: »It only translates to mediocrity, and supports the weak at the expense of the strong. Water must be allowed to seek its own level, without interference from apologists for incompetence.«

This view applies to sex as well. Gilmore puts it thus: »Maximum pleasure is realized through maximum self-awareness, and then finding the appropriate partners. Some people might find either staying within or crossing the boundaries of social stratification as a fetishistic sexual fillip.« For those folks, social divisions are a turn-on in themselves. »Others would find such stratifications meaningless.«

And yet, most Satanists find partners within their own social level to be their ideal. »The personal sexual power exchange between people of like minds is the highest form of nature taking its course,« insists Leyba, echoing the dominant view. Magister Reuben Radding adds, »I think it's important to realize that stratification already exists around us, yet it can also be created at whim. In my experience, Satanists tend to crave further stratification. But that's something you can be creative withOne way is to create personal realms through the development of artificial human companions. LaVey was an enthusiastic proponent of such surrogates, seeing the advancing technology as the next step in man's ascendency to Godhood. And while sex is not necessarily the object of this craft, let's face it-it's the first thing you think of.

You're no doubt aware of the RealDoll, the lifelike sculptured sex doll which features, among other realistic attributes, a fully-jointed skeletal frame beneath its silicon skin. »The cathartic possibilities are limitless,« enthuses Satanist Jim Mitchell. »Many taboo and possibly illegal areas of sexuality [can] be explored with one of these androids without fear of being exposed. Suppose a man has a mate who is otherwise perfect for him but absolutely won't engage in SM or golden showers or anal sex. Maybe he wants to experience the porn-stud splendor of delivering a facial «money shot» or has dark fantasies of of a necrophilic nature. The RealDoll offers a legal and harmless means of indulging in personal fetishes that might be unattainable with breathing partners.« The design is definitely an improvement upon those deformed vinyl balloons sold in the past as sex dolls, but as Waytz says, »There is still a long way to goFor one thing, there is pretty much one RealDoll with only slight variations, and her rather stiff posture makes her suited for little more than the aforementioned necrophile market. Also, this custom-created sculpture falls squarely in a standard »porn girl« fantasy. »With the continued perfection of computers, interactive companions will be capable of much more than is currently imagined,« Gilmore notes. »If one looks at a rack of contemporary porn, there are now many fetishes being addressed, and that betokens an acceptance of such by manufacturers-people are now more willing to openly address their needs, which really are quite varied. Virtual reality, too, is a step in the right direction of creating fantasy fulfilling devicesAnd genetics research is a whole other kettle of DNA. These next few years should be very interesting indeed.

And the future's already here, as Magistra Peggy Nadramia points out. »Aside from latex inventions, I'd have to say the computer has become the foremost artificial human companion. You can look at pictures and video captures of other humans in real time, displaying their bodies and touching themselves according to your credit-card-endorsed requests. You can wander anonymously on the Internet and talk dirty with strangers. You can program your computer to analyze you, wake you up, put you to sleep, remember your likes and dislikes and generally make you the most special person in your own little universe


Do neophytes join the CoS for sexual reasons? »These days, if there's a sexual lure, I think it's more commonly felt among females who are attracted to the image of a strong, dominant Satanic male, the 'dark man' of their pubescent fantasies,« Nadramia states. »In a world of sensitive, New Age guys, the Satanic male is inexplicably irresistible to a generation of women who have never had a man hold a door open for them.« Although Dr. LaVey died late last year, his CoS remains strong. »Satanism will be there for those who want to responsibly explore themselves, fully aware of all the consequences of that journey, regardless of the general attitude of the societal context currently prevailing,« Peter Gilmore insists. As the social pendulum swings back and forth between permissiveness and repression, Satan will keep on doing his thing-a potent, throbbing counterpoint to those dry Medievalist religions whose soul-killing influences will continue to wane.

In the meantime, Steven Leyba relates his sexual experiences with the enthusiasm of a convert-the closest thing to proselytizing for a Church that has always taken pride in its very exclusivity. »I have had the most satisfying sex in my life. Things I thought I could only imagine, I have done. If the promise of forbidden sex within the Church of Satan was just a fancy lie, I made it a reality for myself. That is what Dr. LaVey had in mind when he wrote The Satanic Bible. You want it, you make it happen

elfboi wrote on Mar 2nd 2003, 06:38:08 about


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★「とにかくエロくて下品なカンジにしましょう!!」 との担当氏の依頼に答えるべく今回もまた煩悩全開 で・・・って
いくら何でもこれはちょっとヤリ過ぎだったかも(^ ^;

Su Jett wrote on Feb 1st 2005, 14:00:58 about


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Su Jefe wrote on Oct 12th 2003, 10:28:08 about


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[POSTED: 10/10/03 08:39 PM pst]

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[POSTED: 10/10/03 05:54 PM pst]

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[POSTED: 10/10/03 05:53 PM pst]

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[POSTED: 10/10/03 04:36 PM pst]

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[POSTED: 10/10/03 04:08 PM pst]

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[POSTED: 10/10/03 12:35 PM pst]

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[POSTED: 10/10/03 11:12 AM pst]

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[POSTED: 10/10/03 11:08 AM pst]

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[POSTED: 10/10/03 11:07 AM pst]

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[POSTED: 10/10/03 11:07 AM pst]

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[POSTED: 10/09/03 07:17 AM pst]

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Some random keywords

Created on Aug 11th 2003, 21:11:04 by Greg, contains 6 texts

Created on May 31st 2002, 18:00:03 by ames, contains 4 texts

Created on Aug 11th 2004, 05:16:26 by briery, contains 4 texts

Created on Nov 14th 2001, 10:37:29 by hoker poker, contains 45 texts

Created on May 26th 2002, 15:41:54 by Sarah, contains 4 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Oct 15th 2002, 13:47:35 by Jemand, contains 12 texts

Created on Dec 28th 2003, 22:53:25 by Bettina Beispiel, contains 6 texts

Created on Dec 6th 2005, 15:39:06 by Andreas, contains 4 texts

Created on Oct 12th 2003, 23:56:41 by adsurb, contains 8 texts

Created on Jan 18th 1999, 17:52:49 by Dragan, contains 1657 texts

Created on Mar 31st 2012, 23:34:06 by Schmidt, contains 2 texts

Created on Sep 13th 2012, 18:15:07 by tootsie, contains 1 texts

The Assoziations-Blaster is a project by Assoziations-Blaster-Team | Deutsche Statistik | 0.1242 Sec. Ugly smelling email spammers: eat this!